Example of Application

We desinged an example that puts the entire concept to practise in the form of part of the Browser or a Plug-In and Website for the use on a Desktop Computer or as part of the operating system on a mobile device.

Entry Points

The user can change their goal any time, which means the system should constantly provide options for following a different intention, such as searching directly, or related to to an interest.

Direct Search

The user can change their goal any time, which means the system should constantly provide options for following a different intention, such as searching directly, or related to to an interest.

When exploring an Interest, personal recommendations are gernerally valued more than algorithmical ones. Those recommendations can be actively filtered by the user.

Desktop Recommendations

The user can change their goal any time, which means the system should constantly provide options for following a different intention, such as searching directly, or related to to an interest.

Sharing and Organzing

In addition to the regular passive share, which recommends the entire site, the advanced share makes it possible to recommend a specific section of a page.